The Democratic Republic of Congo has implemented stringent rules and regulations regarding the importation of vehicles into the country. These regulations cover aspects such as age limits, pre-shipment inspections, and required documentation to ensure compliance with standards and facilitate the importation process.


Age Limit and Condition Categorization

The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo, through decree #12/041, has set specific age limits for imported vehicles to maintain quality standards:

Imported second-hand cars or buses (less than 10 seats) must be less than 10 years old.

Imported second-hand vans or buses (more than 10 seats) must be less than 7 years old.

Imported second-hand lorries must be less than 10 years old.

Pre-Shipment Inspection Requirement

Before shipment, vehicles are subject to mandatory inspection to ascertain compliance with required standards. Failure to meet inspection criteria leads to the withholding of a certificate, necessitating repairs before importation proceeds. This stringent inspection process ensures imported vehicles adhere to safety, environmental, and quality standards set by regulatory authorities. By enforcing these measures, authorities safeguard consumers, mitigate environmental impact, and uphold industry integrity. Importers must prioritize adherence to inspection standards to facilitate seamless importation processes and avoid delays and additional expenses associated with non-compliance. Consequently, this pre-shipment inspection requirement plays a crucial role in maintaining vehicle quality and safety standards within the importing country, fostering consumer confidence and regulatory compliance in the automotive sector.

Documents Required Before Shipment

Importers must provide specific documents before loading vehicles for shipment to the Democratic Republic of Congo. These documents are essential for the importation process to proceed smoothly:

Original Car Registration Document or Legal Copy

Conveyance Certificate

Original Vehicle Inspection Certificate or Legal Copy from the Country of Origin

Tariff on Vehicles

The Democratic Republic of Congo imposes an average tariff of 10.16% on a range of vehicle types, encompassing trucks, vans, cars, lorries, and non-motor vehicles. This tariff applies to imported vehicles and constitutes a significant factor for importers to factor into their cost calculations when transporting vehicles into the country. By levying such tariffs, the DRC aims to regulate the inflow of vehicles into its market while also generating revenue for the government. Importers must carefully consider these tariffs alongside other expenses such as transportation and customs duties to accurately assess the total cost of importing vehicles into the Democratic Republic of Congo.


The Democratic Republic of Congo's regulations on vehicle importation aim to ensure the quality, safety, and compliance of imported vehicles with established standards. By setting age limits, requiring pre-shipment inspections, and specifying necessary documentation, the country seeks to streamline the importation process and maintain the quality of vehicles entering its market. Importers must adhere to these regulations to facilitate the smooth importation of vehicles into the Democratic Republic of Congo.